How are YOU?
How has diabetes been treating you?
Have you been putting up a fight or have you been sitting on the sidelines?
I know that's whole lot of questions but I really want to know how you are doing. If you reply to this message I promise to respond.
Any-who, let's get to what I came to share with you today. As you know it takes a village to kick diabetes to the curb. I want to shine a light on prediabetes today. Please share this with your friends and loved ones. Everyone deserves to LIVE!
Unfortunately, many people don’t understand diabetes.
For example, many people don’t know the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
Others don’t know that there’s a phase before the onset of diabetes called prediabetes.
When you’re prediabetic, you aren’t doomed to get full-on diabetes.
However, you do need to change your diet.
If you know someone who’s prediabetic, it’s important to share this 4 minute video.
It shows you EXACTLY how to prevent the onset of diabetes if you’re prediabetic. If you already have Type 2 or you’re living with Type 1 this video will educate you and give you a better understanding of the condition.
Click here to watch this video NOW
Be well & test often,
The Diabetes Strategist
Carmella J Bell, MS, LMFTA
Click here to schedule a FREE call with me to get clear and see if there is anyway I can help you.
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It's time to fight back!
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