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Push Through One-on-One Coaching Package

12 Weeks To Help You Push Through Diabetes OVerwhelm

Okay, I have few questions for you...

  •  Have you been making choices that always seem to undermine your diabetes goals?
  •  Do you have a few bad diabetes habits you need to break?
  •  Are you tired of being confused and feeling like you don't really know how to lower your A1C?
  •  Is it just hard to stay on track?

Well, this program is for you if...

  •  You have Type 2 Diabetes.
  •  You WISH you were managing better but you don’t know where to begin. 
  •  You have had diabetes so long your routine is on autopilot (in a bad way).
  •  You’re ready to push the reset button, get real, tweak your processes and make major moves in your diabetes self-care routine?

This program includes...

  • 2-Hour A1C Assessment Intensive
  • A Full Push Though Success Plan
  • 12 One-on-One Weekly Calls
  • Weekly Worksheets to help you push through my 3-step frame work which will help you get clear about what's standing in the way of your diabetes success, hit the reset button on diabetes and reengage in your diabetes management routine!
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